Giving is an act of worship that reflects our gratitude for all God has done. Your generosity helps transform lives by leading people into a relationship with Jesus and His church, fostering Christ-like transformation in our community and beyond.
As the Bible reminds us: “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7)
If you prefer to give in person, we’ve made it simple for you. During our Sunday services, there will be a designated time for giving. You’ll find white envelopes in the back of the chairs, which you can use to place your donation.
At the designated time, you can drop your envelope into the brown bins located at the altar. If you prefer, you can also place it in the secure black box to the left of the double doors as you exit the sanctuary.
Thank you for your generosity and heart to support the work God is doing through our church!
Giving isn’t just about finances—it’s also about using your time to make a difference. Whether you’re not in a position to give financially or simply feel called to serve, donating your time to church initiatives is a beautiful way to honor God and bless others. From helping with events to joining a ministry team, there are plenty of opportunities to get involved.
Your generosity can go beyond finances by donating items to meet the needs of our church and ministries. We welcome food donations for hospitality and kids ministries and are open to other items that can further God’s work. To ensure we use your donations wisely, we kindly ask you to fill out a form describing what you’d like to give and, if applicable, the ministry you’d like to support.
If you’re curious about our church, need details on upcoming events, or have any other questions, click the button below and fill out the form to get in touch. We’ll reach out to you as soon as possible. We look forward to connecting with you!