Child Dedication

What is Child Dedication?

Child Dedication is a special service where parents of young children publicly commit to raising their kids in the way of Jesus. This service takes place several times a year and is the Milestone event for Nursery-Preschool-Elementary children. This is a significant moment in the life of a family when faith is shared between parent and child. Interested parents must attend an informational meeting the Sunday before the Child Dedication service.

Why We Do Child Dedication

Children are a gift and absolute blessing. We recognize that God has entrusted you to be the parents of His children and we as a church want to partner, support, and encourage you in raising your child in a Godly home. It is our hope that they will come to faith at an early age, follow Jesus, and be baptized.

Where is Child Dedication in the Bible?

You can read about what the Bible says on dedication in 1 Samuel 1 and Luke 2:21. We would love to discuss your decision to dedicate your child, please fill out this form and we'll reach out to you as soon as possible.